“Friday for Charity”
On Friday, 17th Feb 2023, 60 students of class 7b and 7c sold food and drinks. The project “Friday for charity” took place in the Renataschool hall. Each group developed a business idea and decided that they´d like to direct their donations to people in Turkey and Syria and to different local charity projects in Hildesheim.
The profit was 260,- Euro.
A big thank you to all the students who kindly bought our products and supported our charity project!
7b and 7c
Link für Spenden: https://www.aktion-deutschland-hilft.de/?wc_id=50199&ref_id=goo&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI-aC06sek_QIVNo1oCR21TgVGEAAYASAAEgIsEPD_BwE